Agility is an action-packed and exciting sport that requires the dog and handler to work as a team.
Agility is a wonderful activity for an energetic dog, a shy dog needing to gain confidence or a dog and handler team looking
to have some fun!
Please check Upcoming Classes page for start dates for all Agility classes except the Drop-In Agility
Sequencing class
Agility Foundation
Class offered: Date/time varies
Pre-requisite: Beginner Obedience - Level 2 or comparable training
Agility Foundation focuses on skills necessary to build a strong foundation for a successful endeavor into the sport of
dog agility. Cost: $155 for 6 week class. Class size is limited and pre-registration is required (training
application can be downloaded from the Upcoming Classes page)
Advanced Agility
Pre-requisite: Agility Foundation
Agility Foundation focuses on improving and expanding skills learned in the Agiilty Foundation class and building
a strong foundation for a successful endeavor into the sport of dog agility. Cost: $155 for 6 week class.
Beginner Agility
Pre-requisite: Agility
The goal of this class is to continue establishing a strong set of foundation skills and begin introducing
the dog and handler to basic agility obstacles. Cost: $155 for 6 week class. Instructor approval is required
for this class, unless you have graduated from our Agility Foundation class.
Advanced Beginner Agility
Pre-requisite: Successful completion of Beginner Agility
This class is
designed to advance the basic obstacle skills acquired in the beginner class, introduce more obstacles and handling skills.
Cost: $150 for 6 week class.
Competition Agility
Class offered: Wednesdays 6:00 p.m.
Pre-requisite: Dogs preparing to compete or already competing
in agility
Class size is limited and pre-registration is required. Class focuses on handling skills, obstacle
performance, teamwork and motivation. Cost: $20 per class, pay for classes by the month. Instructor
approval is required to attend these classes.
Drop-In Agility Run-Thrus
Class offered: Mondays 8:00 - 9:00 a.m., Wednesdays 8:00 - 9 a.m. and Fridays 6:00 - 7:30
Dogs comfortable on regulation agility equipment and performing multiple obstacle sequences. Class focus is on giving
students additional time to work with dogs on equipment in a supervised setting. Cost: $10 per class